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Build your bank account.

Join our community of 600,000+ Contrarians forging their own paths to financial freedom.
When you subscribe, you’ll also get the top 19 books on making money.


(600+ Reviews)


Love this, keeo the content coming and this quality information.

Yara C.

Phenomenal guys!!!! Love the freaking newsletter! Thank you so much!

Edison M.

Hi Codie,

Weird iDEAS, BUT MONEY makers, need to retire and star a business.thank you for money maling idess.

Cameron O.

Thank you for this newsletter and for sharing your wisdom. Very excited to see you speak at AES in may.

Barton H.

Well Done with this email. I know you all have been working hard, and I wish you all an amazing amount of success.

Kep leading with Love.

Jason C.

You have one of the best email List, by far. Keep T the great content coming Codie!

Appreciate you!

Sam V.

Outstanding. One of the ONLY newsletters I read. Keep going.

Marcos D.


Terrific, value packed newsletter. Low jargon count and high practical ADVICE COUNT.

Jesse Dees


I have been enjoying the coverage of ways people are identifying market niches and going after them in different ways. The RV park with dog them, small acreage flower producer, etc. these help me to get thinking about how I can leverage my passions in a similar way to get started. By breaking these down like you have it helps me learn how others have gone about it and gets ideas flowing. It also is training me for things to look for in the markets that may not be getting coverage and leaving niche gaps. So, what I would like to learn is how to capitalize on an expertise and passion with a business of low entry cost but large upsides. Thanks for sharing and asking!

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Hi Codie,

When I watch videos of you speaking, you have such a brilliant and well focused business mind. I've seen maybe 10 of your videos both as a presenter and as a guest. I'm always struck by how you think about business, seemingly always knowing the right course of action. This is obviously the result of years and years developing you mindset and the experiences you've had. For someone who doesn't come from that background, I'm always curious how you get from point A to point B in your thinking.You've mentioned many books and I plan on reading several( I've read a few so far), but what would be the #1 thing is to learn how you think from a perspective of someone who doesn't have that mindset developed yet. To demonstrate the attainable goal for the person with very limited resources through developing that mindset would be great.I learn SO much every time I watch you. There is always a wow! How did she know that moment. I hope I'm making sense.Maybe personal coaching/hand holding (so to speak) for those of us just wanting to get off the ground?Teaching people how to enjoy doing business when it's not natural (yet)? Just a few thoughts....

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Tonya Handerek

Good day Codie's team!

I just stumbled across Codie's YouTube channel. The video on these 19 books will make you rich was fantastic. I just really liked her energy! Thanks Tonya Sent from Gmail Mobile On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 4:01 PM Codie Sanchez <> wrote: CONTRARIAN

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Thank You Codie, or whichever part of her team is running this, if it's NOT Codie, please relay to her from me that I really appreciate her voice and brillat posts on Link X!!!

Carolina Gogova

Love it!

I've been following Codie for a while now and love the content so just keep it coming, thanks All the best and have a groovy weekend,Carolina

Cody Hendrix

My name is Cody Hendrix. I signed up because I want to learn, grow, and build up a life on my own terms bringing value to the world. I work in Midland, TX in the Oil and Gas Industry, I have been with the same company for almost 10 years now. Through my time at my current job, almost 10 years, I have had this nagging, growing desire to bet on myself and build my own wealth instead of working to make others rich. I always feel like I am behind the ball and when I came across Codie I just felt this gut feeling that I need to step up and take action for myself. I do not have a ton of financial education, but I do have a strong desire to learn. I'll take the bet on myself. I am excited to learn from you guys.

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Emily Daniell

Hi, I've just been totally inspired listening to Codie on the notalone podcast, in particular the first 40 minutes. I'm a lawyer by training and, having just moved abroad with my husband's job, am starting to try out legal consulting so that we have the flexibility to keep moving around... BUT I don't want to be a lawyer forever - I want to run my own businesses. I've had fledgling ideas over the years and always struggled to work out how to actually make them reality! I was also so inspired by her comments on buying into smaller businesses. Look forward to reading more.

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Drew Hull

this is so useful and practical. always enjoy your stuff but this hit particularly with me. keep it going On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 6:51 PM Codie Sanchez <> wrote: CONTRARIAN THINKING

E Huerta

I really value your hopefulness and it is always very encouraging to read newsletters. Thank you. (I don't want to come across wrong, please understand; as much as I really Enjoy all your videos the foul language (even though in some it's way less) it is difficult to hear. So here in reading it's much better. Codie we do appreciate you. Thank you for all your research I appreciate that you always back up what you say with facts and figures Thank you!!

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I realize it may not be practical for Codie to write as many emails as she once did, or maybe it was a different writer, but in any case, it would be great to have Codie (or other writer who wrote this piece) write more frequently. Say, once a month, or something along those lines. I've subscribed to this list for a bit and plan to pull the trigger when the time is right for me... TBD. There have been a number of pieces that I'd consider "fluff" pieces in recent months that almost drove me to unsubscribe. I'm short on time and only subscribe to lists that provide the most value. They've gotten better recently, and reading pieces like this are what caught my attention in the first place. Hoping for more of it, and wishing your team the best

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Shannon Rosser

This email is personal for me. I couldn't be happier in switching carrier paths and learning HVAC. About to finish my certification and open my own company. Its been one of the hardest things I've ever done but 100% worth it. I am 38 and in 5 years I went from making 60k a year to 100k. Hoping to make more in the years to come by owning a business.

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Rajesh Divi

Codie madam and contrarian thinking community together, took the responsibility of an ancestral duty of the American country.Apart from wealth creation and sustainability, you are mainly mentoring and assuring the successor generations to believe, it is not mandatory to accomplish a college degree, to achieve wealth and overall wellbeing in life This is the context that I got to understand from this Newsletter codie madam.Yours faithfully,Thanking you madam, Rajesh Divi.

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Kenneth Mwandiki

Never misses a point.It's a blessing to have you

Diptanshu Sharma

What an awesome story! Absolutely loved it.

Chris Marshall

Great newsletter. Not egoistic at all! I'll be on your radar when my SaaS is making more $$.

Morgan Wrigley

Love hearing stories like this! Inspiring but also information and strategy packed, which I always appreciate. Thanks Contrarian Thinking team!

Asish Panda

Thank you for taking your time and being open to write this. I learnt a lot.

Solange Peschel

I loved the story, it moved me, it is very inspiring, it is a clear example of resilience and opportunity that is sometimes difficult to discover in life. Thanks for sharing. Greetings

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Alan Beaton

Loved the Investment letter.

Christian Gasper

I just wanted to tell you how much I admire you and the tremendous value that you deliver! You're truly an inspiration.Hope you have a fantastic day! Christian

Marisha Naz

Love this: "Main Street over Wall Street" has been our cry for years, not to diminish those on Wall Street but to remind them that they serve the people, just as those in Washington are purported to do the same.


For sure, you absolutely crushed it with this newsletter! My eyes will probably be this wide until I go to sleep! Thanks for all you do to encourage us to find joy, purpose, and inspiration in the "boring" and "mundane". God bless!

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Farooq Zafar

Congratulations on your success Codie. Onward!

Angelina Tadros

Loved the story telling! Read it all the way to the end Ang

Roger G. Walters

Thanks for taking the time to write such a mighty long newsletter to share your business experiences. I wish you all the best and success for the new year and many wonderful things to come your way. Too bad I can't share in experiences like these with people like yourself and others. I can only craft my own as time goes on making 2024 a year of a difference to be better and life changing. Roger G. Walters

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Michael Hue

I love your newsletter- I can't say enough good things about it. That being said, trash is terrible to start from scratch- especially in the residential market. Double especially in the residential open market (like this). How do I know? I used to run a $100M trash company and have experience consulting newcomers to the trash industry. I've seen a hundred guys like him in residential trash and they all end up shutting down. Trash is very capital intensive and is operationally challenging. The truck pictured is a hunk of garbage- it will break down soon, and it won't be for a flat tire. What happens the first time it goes down for 6 weeks for a back ordered part? He will lose all of his customers and will be out 40k. Also- the pricing he mentioned is not realistic. It may be for one neighborhood- but the average going rate is 20- 25 dollars a home. Once again- I love this newsletter and it's full of gems- that's why I was surprised to read this.

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Michael Hue

I love your newsletter- I can't say enough good things about it. That being said, trash is terrible to start from scratch- especially in the residential market. Double especially in the residential open market (like this). How do I know? I used to run a $100M trash company and have experience consulting newcomers to the trash industry. I've seen a hundred guys like him in residential trash and they all end up shutting down. Trash is very capital intensive and is operationally challenging. The truck pictured is a hunk of garbage- it will break down soon, and it won't be for a flat tire. What happens the first time it goes down for 6 weeks for a back ordered part? He will lose all of his customers and will be out 40k. Also- the pricing he mentioned is not realistic. It may be for one neighborhood- but the average going rate is 20- 25 dollars a home. Once again- I love this newsletter and it's full of gems- that's why I was surprised to read this.

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Tish Walker

You guys are kickin ass, and not talkin trash!! 2023 was a great year! And 24 even better! The Contrarian Creed is certainly one to live and Ive learned much with you guys and Lisa with her drop shipping biz! While aim a Veteran on the half in half out, I pray this will be my year for entrepreneurship!!!! Thanks Codie! Keep rockin for the Ladies!! Tish

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Paul McKeown

This is a GREAT story.Buying the truck unseen was a real gamble. Love the use of Facebook. Keep bringing it Paul

Sanchez Kyle Daryll

that's actually sick, i like that story.

Jay S

Hi Contrarian Team - please thank Codie for me and that I read every word! It lifts my heart to see people making something happen while making it better for all! Peace! (FYI I'm in Austin next week) Jay S

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Not sure if one can even "reply" to newsletters, but here it goes: You are a ROCK STAR storyteller! I subscribe to several newsletters and often don't have the time to read them all. I skim some and if something interesting hits me, I make time. This issue specifically was very long (I always scroll to see how long something is even before I commit to reading it). At first glance, I was sure I wouldn't be reading the entire thing. Then, you sucked me in with this garbage man's story. Your side comments and anecdotes make the story seem like we are sitting at a bar and you are telling me this crazy story you heard about. That's how it reads and it's so engaging.Thanks for being uniquely you. We need more women entrepreneurs sharing their stories, tools and tricks. We all rise together through this knowledge. Thank you for what you do. Melissa Bellemare

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kranthi reddy

Hi Codie, Ita great writeup and truly inspiring !!! Thank you so much for sharing this, I am at the initial stages of getting into some business, always stuck with many ideas, your videos are definitely pushing me to do something. Once again thanks for sharing your thoughts

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Mark Eichenlaub

As the owner of Mokena Lot Cleaners I love this!!!

Cris MacIntosh

I never read the whole newsletter. This I couldn't put down! I called my husband in and read it to him. I love stories like this! Brings me back to my 2011 brick & mortar, newbie in business, a fraction of tools and resources new business owners have today. Loved this story. Loved the journey. And props to Codie & Team... loved the delivery! I can hear Codie's tone in this! It's crazy well done!

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Najjar Group LLC

I don't know if you would recognize my name but you popped by Justin's house when I was hanging with him the weekend before the retreat.Just wanted to let you know that I thought this message was well crafted. Keep building!

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Kenneth Mwandiki

I like Spencer's way of seizing the "trash" opportunity. Now he is a success story. That's all that matter. Waiting for the next issue. You're always ahead in biz.

Bryce Jurgensmeier

In a world of abundance, the only scarcity is time, and attention is how you value it.Freaking love this line

Cesar Diaz

Love this! This newsletter blew my mind because it the transparency around Spencer's thinking as he went for it was just inspiring.Makes me want to start a trash bin cleaning service!

Kevin McTarsney

Great message. It resonates with the sincerity that got me to subscribe minutes in to the first YT video of yours that I viewed. FYI, the CTA page for "10 Steps to Buying a Business that Cashflows" lists under "How to find the BEST off-market deals and AVOID the bad ones" the same content as "Why now is the perfect time..."Trying to clear my calendar for the 25th.

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William A. white

Love this! Reading your newsletters always get me into a more creative frame of mind! Thanks! PS - As much fun as garbage pick up sounds, I still want to buy a laundromat! lol

Adeyinka Kayode

Thanks so much Codie, Super grateful for all you do. I have been thinking about all the problems the world is going to face. I am a recent immigrant and i have been trying to find my path and way. Your emails has started providing me with some comfort and strength. Thanks so much

Paul Gibbson

Hey Codie, I just watched the podcast, and I have to admit that I was really impressed. You really did seem to hit home with a lot of the facts, and the real talk information you shared got me thinking about a lot of different things. This made me realize that I have a few business ideas for the year ahead that I need to structure differently, but I also could be doing with your advice, so I'll be in contact with you in a few days.Chat soon 100

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Thibaut Souy

Amazing story Codie! I live in Mexico and this inspired me to look for opportunities to do something similar.

Anne Samuel

You are an exceptional human being, thank you for all you do

Diane Flores

I never reply to newsletter e-mails but i will say this story was amazing and had me captivated the entire time. So inspiring!

Pang Moua Jan 26

Good newsletter, it's precise and it brings in the real people, the real problems and solutions.

Rajesh Divi

Thanks Codie madam and the entire contrarian thinking team,for making us stay in Adelante mode, in learning and precise steps to implement in acquisition of small scale businesses, and how to exit at proper time, to chase another by following our upgrades in life.

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Brian Yang

I find the constraint theory to be helpful. ATM, our gLTV is just not high enough, which is limiting ability to scale paid, so that's all we're focusing on.

Megha Singh

I am a business coach and consultant based in Singapore and receive so much value from your newsletter and YouTube for my work as well as to grow my business :-) I'm gunning to hit 1 million in revenue this year and your content is extremely helpful in my journey right now.I also help companies create awesome marketing and build cross-cultural communities so please reach out once you are ready to expand into Asia. I'd love to support you!

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Edison Moya

Weird ideas, but money makers, need to retire and star a business. Thank you for money making ideas. Edison

Chris Yee

Great writing. Concise and brief.

Brad William Nickel

Love this, keep the content coming and this quality information.

Yara Casas

Phenomenal guys!!!!! Love the freaking newsletter! Thank you so much!

marcelo moscoso

Very insightful. The case studies section is full of pearls of knowledge.I have not seen another newsletter with so much wisdom and relatable stuff.Well done to all the team

G Smith

Loved this email Codie (and team)! So much wisdom was included in there. Thank you for my biggest take-a-ways: 1. "Entrepreneurship" was defined perfectly in my opinion. 2, 'My word is my contract' (even Especially to myself) 3. 'Do what's necessary even when it hurts!' 4. People want "the weird" over "the boring" 5. Show RESULTS instead of INTENTIONS! ATPA

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Luis Guerrero

Be prepared with an answer for "What's in it for me?" when asking for something, especially when building relationships when key profiles obter can help you in my path to mastery the biz- buying path. But don't wait for a plan to be perfect to stay meeting those people, start walking the path and they will come.

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Cate Gutowski

Just wanted to share that this was very well written, and I really enjoyed it. Excellent practical advice. I love your focus on helping small business! Always rooting for you!

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LOVED this one! Top to bottom. Every word and link.

Amy Schefer

Breath of fresh air as usual.

Emma Brunel

Loved this!!! I leave by those words: "While you're entitled to nothing, it's better to be owed than to owe."Can't wait to see you in real life on Saturday!!

P Pacal

These are always ppreciated. Always Great Usable Information! Thank You

Deborah Rotman

I built and sold my own multi doctor mobile small animal in-home euthanasia practice to a mega corp here in Oregon, I really enjoy the info you share! One suggestion on this newsletter in particular is to add: to consider if you as the owner are directly producing income, then either you need to go and work for the new company to continue producing that income, or if not, then that income generation either needs to be replaced by another individual in your company or it needs to be subtracted from the gross revenue of the business when presenting to the buyer.

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Christian Loredo

Thanks for another awesome and insightful newsletter!

Richard Orozco

This is great Codie, all on point! This makes even more sense now as I look back at when we sold our Company in 2020...

Louis Iyakaremye

This was a great read! I am on 17 book from the list your provided in the best business book for entrepreneurs.

Sean Larson

Clearly articulated and intuitively informative. Thank you for this issue.

Jessica Ozor

Remeber my high ticket sales closing firm I told you about when we launched? We are like 7 months today This is so helpful once again

Erin Rhoads

First off, I came across your Instagram page and was delighted to see Contrarian Thinking supports conservative, Christian beliefs. That hooked me right then and there, because... I've had this gut feeling for a few months now, that I'm not doing what I am supposed to be doing. I work for a large pharmaceutical company in Indiana, making sure their scientific equipment is maintained and up to the highest standards required for clinical trials. I am tired of feeling like I am not accomplishing anything, especially when my paycheck does not reflect the amount of work and emotion I put into being the best. I'm tired of working for companies who don't care about us. I want to do something fulfilling, that makes me money, so I can use it to improve the life of my family and those around me.

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Quincy Jackson

I'm more curious to read "The Artist's Way." I'll be getting it soon. I also signed up for the upcoming masterclass on the 14th. Can't wait to continue my learning. I started watching the videos that are included in preparation for the master class. Not many people do that, and it's given me an understanding of what to expect in the class. Sincerely, On Thu, Mar 7, 2024, 4:38 PM Codie Sanchez <> wrote:</>

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david jaffe

I just wanted to say I truly love your newsletter and read it religiously weekly.

Paul Gibbson

Just wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciate the valuable information in the newsletter. I've been working on some stuff and have picked up some great tips from you guys. Yes you guys are pretty Amazing! Totally ahead of the curve. I have some ideas I'm working on and plan to get back at some point for some guidance soon. Its amazing just how one little thing has turned my whole situation around and pretty much put me on the right track, and I thank you guys for that.

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Thank you so much Codie! You can't imagine how helpful your newsletter has been to me! Do you have any book recommendations for finding purpose in life? Or is there an article I can read about this topic? I love working on my business but sometimes wonder if it's all worth it and why I am doing it. Your input will mean so much to me!

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Will Mallard

Really useful, practical, clear 1-2-3 steps and liked the use of someone's else as a case study with a mix of their thoughts, your input - THANK YOU

Gillan Williams

Great newsletter, one of the few that actually delivers value.

gbenga adesanya

I enjoyed this newsletter. It is instructive. Thank you, Codie. Gbenga from Nigeria.

Sergio Canales

I'm not sure if you'll see this Codie, but every time I ready your newsletter, I hear YOU in my head. It reads in my head just like you speak and all...I think that is pretty cool.

Trevor Hatchard

WOW, this is one of the best emails to date!

Ericka Rostran

I love this creed! As an active military member (Army for over 22 years), you are speaking my language! Everything on that list is what we are trained on and strive for so we can accomplish the mission, especially when everything goes haywire (AKA fog of war).

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Matt Gronberg

Such a good subject line! Had me hooked. Matthew Gronberg

MJ Flavel

Thank you for being a guiding light Codie

Steven Wilkinson

IMHO there are in fact four types in your Value #3. The fourth type does all the things that #3 does even when they didn't drop the towel. They also pick up rubbish they didn't drop on the floor when they are walking over somebody else's factory - even, perhaps especially, when no-one is around to see it. The people who do that are true owners, because they care deeply, even when it is not their property. They are rarer than the other three but they're the best (and the standard, I think, we should aspire to).

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Brad William Nickel

You are absolutely amazing Codie! I read this and will reread it until its burned in the back of my mind.

Ingrid Molloy

This is so true! I've talked with two business owners in the past month that had what I thought were reasonable price tags on their business, but the reason was that they had no business at all and just thought they could make bank because established small businesses are hot right now.

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Rocio Baeza

Really digging the format and presentation of the newsletter. It makes it simple to absorb all this amazing information!

Jason Cunningham

You have one of the best email lists, by far. Keep the great content coming Codie! Appreciate you!

Eric Raszewski

This is one badass newsletter. I think I genuinely read/care about less than 10% of newsletters I sign up for. This is at the top of that 10%. Great fucking job!

Charlie Muir

It allows me to go from 0 to value very quickly.

Kenneth Mwandiki

The contrian creed... captivating!We always aim for the best.

Maria Carrera

Excellent content, I even took notes.

Paul Gibbson

I wanted to thank you for the insightful article on small business lessons from Ali Abdaal, the $5M/year YouTuber. The information you shared was completely helpful and provided a fresh perspective on building a successful YouTube business. As an aspiring small business owner, I found Ali's journey from doctor to YouTube sensation truly inspiring. It goes to show that with the right niche and dedication, anyone can achieve remarkable success. The importance of finding a niche market and catering to its specific needs was one of the key takeaways for me. By focusing on a particular skill set or interest, it becomes easier to provide relevant and valuable content to a dedicated audience.

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James Early

What do I think of this newsletter you ask. You are sometimes over my head and are long down some roads I have never been on which gives me some things to go for which is good.

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Fatima Atta

This is so interesting, especially because there are many terms that I don't know. I now have my homework and I look forward to reading and learning more. I look forward to the next "boring business brief", thank you. Kind regards Fatima

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Agnes Teper

One of the best newsletters out there!!!!!! Big thank you.


Thanks for the "Buyer tips: Tools for building a deal-sourcing MACHINE in 2024"

Jarrett Ellis

Love this week's newsletter!

anureet sra

I liked that you shared a story of someone who succeeded where you did not. I'm in the UK, an accountant working in the securitisation team of a credit card company and I'm well paid and I enjoy my job but I want to have more than one income stream. I'm also an artist and am looking to set something up related to my art but am also interested in having a boring turn key business. Your content is helping me figure things out thank you.

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The Excellent Chef

"the life you want is on the other side of them. Not the opposite direction." This was an extremely inspiring story Codie! Thanks so much for sharing it.

Jim Jacobs

I just wanted to thank you for this email. This one about the Billionaires kicked me in the ass.... I gotta think bigger. I originally saw you on a zoom call you did with us at EO US East Bridge and caught the end of it. I then subscribed to your content and you were excellent with Andy Frisella recently... Anyhow- doing this can be lonely. Started a company from $0 to $2.7 million last year- whew! I get it... Keep it up with the content. You're kicking me in the ass to start getting my content going- that's for sure!!

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Scott Laney

This was a phenomenal email.Well written, inspiring, thought-provoking.Thanks for all you do...been enjoying your newsletters for a couple years now. Definitely going to save a copy of this one to my desktop.

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Jason Caulk

Don't know if you'll actually see this reply, but had to share... Your CT emails are fantastic. One of the very few emails I will stop what I'm doing to read all the way through.

Michael Walsh

Hi, that was one of the best down to earth, snipits I ever received from you! Love it girl and your attitude!

Michael Walsh

Hi, that was one of the best down to earth, snipits I ever received from you! Love it girl and your attitude!

Marie Mattinson

Hello from Australia.......thanks Codie, once again you crushed it with your weekly email! I look forward to reading it each week, so much great information & inspiration. Thankyou! Im currently doing your small business acquisition course online & as a 57yo (I know its better late than never but) can't help thinking I would have kicked butt with this info decades ago...never less Im energised & ready to keep growing & do good for people & planet & also to inspire my young adult sons.

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Bruce Beck

Hello from Australia.......thanks Codie, once again you crushed it with your weekly email! I look forward to reading it each week, so much great information & inspiration. Thankyou! Im currently doing your small business acquisition course online & as a 57yo (I know its better late than never but) can't help thinking I would have kicked butt with this info decades ago...never less Im energised & ready to keep growing & do good for people & planet & also to inspire my young adult sons.

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Mackenzie Home

So good! I loved the read! The valuable steps and play by play! Ahhhh....refreshing! Thx CT, gonna dig deeper into your offerings!

Penny @ The Primary S...

Getting straight to it... The most valuable subscribe button I've ever pressed (by farrr) This newsletter made the news in my world. An absolute top story of my mid-morning reads. * Human * Relatable * Simplicity of language * My 8yr old can make sense of this * So simple, why didn't I write it * This is the kind of thing I need in my inbox during office hours because I can take 1 bite, chew and implement. This newsletter is literally an extension of what an assistant should bring you when you own an establishment of your own.

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Codie,,,such a retro news story of you and your pulp fiction ish look & responses. Love the girl power and you're so awesome, baby!

Michael OConnor

Feedback you asked for on this newsletter: You did blow my mind (one of the options)...and not all of it was because of the bizarre wall hanging you have! You also have so much insight. And energy. And positivity. It's pretty amazing. Thank you for being you and for sharing all that you have to inspire others.

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Jamie Meyer

Excellent email CT! Loved the story on Eric - lots of nuggets in there to take home and ponder.

Alam Habib

Thank you for your email. Excellent newsletter absolutely crushed it.

Cori Snelson

This was an awesome read, thank you! I'm a 2nd grade teacher/actress/improvisor in LA and have been wanting to start my own thing for awhile. It's inspiring to read stories like this. I mean, I love that he was just happy with a 600k profit - that is the dream!! and love that you said: They could pay themselves, focus on the bottom line, and if the top line didn't grow, they'd be fine. No venture capital. No billion-dollar unicorn status. Just a relatively small, profitable biz. Your content is incredible and I love that you are a confident woman with so much experience and success that I can learn from - as well as learn from the people you interview! Also I think it's cool we can reply to your emails for feedback - not many people do that. Happy New Year!

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Emily Couey - Schram

Loved this newsletter- real, raw, and the rollercoaster of being an entrepreneur. Thank you Codie, Eric, and team for being clear and courageous!

Andy McGavern

Thanks for this, Codie. Needed the inspiration. I appreciate you!

Darina Bacheva

Love this week's newsletter as well! I already got Number 3 and it's such a good feeling that I don't have to think where to store access to an online course! Have great holidays and come back with at least equal amounts of energy to make us alert and more knowledgeable and THANK YOU!

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Mary Stucklen

I'm new to your newsletter but now to Codie's magnetic approach. Now I'm in love with both. Thank you for a delightfully kick-a@@ yet wholesome email.

Rajesh Divi

Thank you codie madam for introducing a paradigm shift towards gifting culture.


It was informative, insightful, and witty! You've opened the door and continue to, introducing people like me to the inside of the special circle called wealthy. Rich beyond finances, that wealthy people are as real as the rest of. The wealthy like you, just have more resources to manage and that everyone should aspire to be independently wealthy! Thank you

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Jonathan Montague

Best email yet, authentic and graciously by not attempting to 'sell me' something ... content that has helped me ... I am grateful

Jamie Wilkey

Loved this issue. One of your best yet!

Denise Otero

Love this! Thank you for the guidance and inspiration to work towards 500k.

Joe Bashour

I gotta send you this and say: receiving and reading your newsletters have become such a memorable experience I look forward to every single week! They add so much value and I cannot even describe to you how much I am learning from your awesome tips and explanations. Cannot wait for the biz workshop next Saturday.

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Carl H

Great newsletter! Thanks for the hard truth you brought to light and my apologies for reading this late and sending a response! I like to always be moving forward!

jesus gonzales

CODIE I WOULD LIKE THANK YOU FOR EVERY THING YOU DO.I LEARN FROM YOU EVERY DAY!THANKS On Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 05:17:05 PM CST, Codie Sanchez <> wrote:</>

L King

Very motivating list I really want to hone in more on the contrarian thinking concept. Thanks

Brita Alaburda

I literally just asked my manager here where I work if there was one book she would recommend for sales, an hour ago... then, I saw your email!I plan to start reading right away! In Sincerity,Brita Alaburda

Ljiljana Arađanski R...

Thanks for the list.I'm starting with Kiosaki.Cheerz! LjiljanaSent from my iPhone

lisa Marie

Thank you! I actually watched your video on this. I have a credit on audible and I will start with the first one!

Chris Parker

As a book editor, it's an inspiring list - I particularly love the takeaways. (An important reminder that books must make a meaningful promise to readers - and deliver on it - to justify their existence.) I know I must sound like a broken record, but it would be a great honour to work with you one day on your own book. I feel your insights and attitude are more than enough to create a book that sits alongside these titles. And Harriman with its author-centric approach and global backing as part of Pan Macmillan - would be the ultimate creative partner for you! Do let me know if you ever want to see any of our books or discuss the possibilities!

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Digbijoy Deb

I haven't read such a wonderful piece about book suggestions before. The way the article is divided into different sections has attracted me, such as favorite quotes, why read the book, and whether I'll read the book or listen to it. I have truly enjoyed the way it's Thanks again for this excellent piece of writing. Regards, Digbijoy Deb Bangladesh

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Helen Alfheim

This is my first ever reply to any kind of mailer but I really loved this one, so much so that I read to the end and am following the prompt to reply.The format is very easily digestible and concise with why I should read these books.I also like how you put the recommendation on how to consume the book whether it was a read or listen. That was a nice touch.I will start with the book Mindset. I have on kindle but never completed it.Thanks to the team who put this together!

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Thank you, nice newsletter, I search for all the books I didn't read yet,I like this sort of newsletter that have things to read inside

Martin Schuler

I bookmark all your emails ;) i am going to re-read 48 laws of power. It is also a fine read for history nerds like me! thanks for the awesome content!

Mark Bachanek

Keep em coming! Always looking for more knowledge. Have only read two of these.. Rich dad, and 48 laws. Thanks for your work Mark

jeffrey day

Bad ass! Thank you Codie and team!

Alam Habib

Thank you for your email.Your efforts are recognised and most of all your work of excellence is appreciated I hope you and your family have a fabulous day ahead.

Veronica Giordano

Thank you for pushing us and pushing us! There is so much to learn and absorb! It may take a bit longer than I wanted, but I'm learning a ton and I'm excited. It will happen!

L King

Very motivating list I really want to hone in more on the contrarian thinking concept.

Victa P

Mindset is a solid one but it hurts my head reading it. Its so densely packed with all the things I'm doing wrong! Changing mindset is tough but its a journey I'm committed to

Samantha Davis Croc...

I can't thank you enough for this email. I read a book summary every morning using Headspace and I'm always on the hunt for the next mindset, business, wealth, or related life leveling-up book.I added every single one of these titles to my queue in Headspace, Audible, or my Amazon cart. I'll probably make my way through about 60-80% by end of year. I love you. Haha Thank you Codie (for being awesome, I call you my business coach even tho you aren't...yet) and team. You guys add enormous value to my life.

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Patrick Buckley

This week's newsletter was absolute! I have already read/own 6 of the books on the list so that automatically gave me a little burst of energy knowing the ones I've read are being recommended by someone I respect a LOT. I am actually applying to for a role this week and have been following the Hormozis for a while. The YouTube video done with them and Cody was incredible.Keep doing what you guys do!

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annie blossom


Vineesh Sandhir

Thanks Cody, this is one of the best emails received out of all the emails you send out!! Love your content !!

SK Yuthas

Killer Newsletter!

Mike Meline

Newsletter was amazing this week. Thank you!

Chris Boyd

This has got to be one of the best newsletter emails I have ever read.Thank you very much for sending this through!

Susan Glusica

LOVE these suggestions! I've read only one of them so far, so I have some catching up to do, LOL. Putting them on my Kindle/Audible list.

Bec James

Your last two newsletters have been outstanding!

Rutger Katz

Hey Codie and team.Loved these recommendations from your LI post few weeks back and already finished a few of them.This is a great informative mail.

Christine Andrews

You weren't kidding I bookmarked it. Thanks for sharing! Add to cart

Julie Khan

This is an excellent newsletter and great read! Thank you!!!

Gilberto Casillas

I didn't read through the whole list but I read about 5 of them and I reckon you're on to something! I really do appreciate this email and am very happy with the layout and the list; I will definitely be archiving this one so that I can refer back to it. Bravo!

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Hi, this is truly an amazing compilation. Continue to be inspiring...

David Tuari

I am really enjoying the content, it is helping me so much.

Kevin Caldwell

Great topic in this newsletter! As important as understanding the "how to" is, it's just as important to understand the "what not to do", maybe more so. My biggest takeaway is that it doesn't have to be glamorous. I'm a somewhat recent subscriber, but nearing the end of the 6-month period of your 3-6-12 framework. Shopping for the right business is hard, and I'm no further along in finding the right one. I tend to think it has to be sexy, not boring, and something I'd be proud to own. Maybe that's what's slowing me down.

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Christopher Busken

Choosing the wrong partners is going to seriously alter my life's plan. I can't overstate the importance of this step. Preach!

Johnny Walker

Great stuff Codie! Just in from The Irish EY Entrepreneur of The Year Awards Dinner...24 great Finalists....a terrific pallets! Flying in a few hours across to Cape Town to get some sun & sleep.Will try and download some of your brain dumps for the trip! Keep them coming!

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"Refreshing and thought-provoking, your contrarian thinking newsletter challenges conventional wisdom, promotes critical thinking, and covers entrepreneurial diverse range of topics. I Highly recommend it for those seeking no BS perspectives."

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Samantha Douse

Got some copywriting ideas and also enjoyed the practical tips on delegating.Thanks for sharing!

Seth Prezant

Talking about elimination...Codie, I have been unsubscribing to every newsletter I somehow signed up for since 1994, except yours.In fact, I look forward to consuming your newsletter because it 1) offers so much valuable and relatable information, 2) it is entertaining and 3) hot damn is it well designed!

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Samuel Verhegge

First and probably only newsletter I read this week. Thanks!

Aivar Kaseste

Thank you! Well spent time reading this!

Yuquan Holloway

I really look forward to your newsletters. This one was exactly what I needed. I'm going to start the sticky note challenge next Monday.

Dan Blum

Long time reader and I simply just loved this newsletter. So many great references I can use on a day to day basis. Why? Because I consult with people every day on hiring a Virtual Assistant. This was so helpful. Out of curiosity, do you have a trusted A agency to refer people to? If not, would you care to learn more about our women owned social mission driven VA company? We'd take great care of your referrals.I know it's a long shot but this is one article was great.

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Hkdolts Hkdolts

You are a magnate, and a great addition to the world of business with the amazing techniques you offer to the world.

Katerina Cronstedt

Great email, loved it.Recognize so many things around delegation, delegation is a super power, when you can afford it.Katerina

Peter Treacy

I appreciate this message and I've learned a lot from you many thanks for your generosity!

Andrew Key

10/10...this one really hit home because I am a strange mix of a semi tech savvy millennial that also has calloused hands and works in an antiquated industry....that's in pursuit of acquiring a business.. The 10 Lessons about networking etc are so good....Ctrl+P and going on the cork board LOL.

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Vanessa Martinez

This is quite literally the best newsletter I subscribe to if they had another subscribe here button I'd hit it again, wow wish it was daily!

Jaime Case

Your emails are always good, but damn! This one was great. Thanks for sharing big ideas in such an accessible and authentic way.

Jason Huett

Hey Codie (or team) - I'm loving your content! Whoever does your eNewsletter is fanatics (coming from a CMO)!


Thank you so much for your superb content. Good luck with the growth of your fund.

Eric Mock

You are correct!! That's where real value exists, however, in the zero interest era and billions in funds for disrupters (which was largely BS), these opportunities are largely ignored :(.The real value is in DTC on a local/regional level with far less capital requirements and here's the best part: you can fund growth largely off cash flow. Get included in a consortium of similar brands,consolidate costs to lower them for all and you've got a creator economy that explodes off of individual efforts as part of a collective. Some do week, some flounder. You rise together.One problem. There needs to be a "glue" as a baseline to take all the "unknown VC stuff" out of the way and be the "on ramp".Creators and operators "do"...and are confused about anything else.

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Jonathan Wilhelm

Awesome letter and sales pitch.


Amazing job on MFM! Finished it right before the newsletter arrived.May I say your cool legacy comment was spot on - I am one of those people who build & grow from the ideas you share.

Andrés Villarreal

This was an amazing read, as someone who loves coffee and who would want to start a business in the near future, this is eye opening and motivating. I really like your newsletter and I would love to buy a business some day. Right now I'm freshly graduated from a master's and just started working at a corp. Do you have any advice on how I could identify and buy my first business (I'm from México) without that much capital, and in the first stage of my professional career?

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Great, concise, informative, and motivational! Yet another tool for the tool box!

Atila Ghassemi

Don't think I normally read these but this was great.

Ryan Williams

Love it, great story.

Rys Fairbrother

Not sure how I got here (signed up to receive your newsletter), but I'm glad I did. I really liked the pragmatic approach to building a $20mm business, and gives me motivation to take one step, one month, one market at a time to accomplish my goals.

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LA angus

Great article, thanks. I happen to subscribe to Atlas coffee club and really enjoy getting the little "magic" moments. I think it is interesting to read about the story of my coffee. I post the cards on my fridge so my kids will ask me questions about Papua New Guinea and Tanzania. It would be remiss of me not mentioning the coffee is very good.

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Chiang Chia-Ying

Reading your newsletter has been my most anticipated activity on a Friday! Love how you share different businesses, and I love the way you break down how owners make their biz successful.

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I was looking for to the newsletter but I would of wanted to learn more about actionable steps you took from his advice to help grow your newsletter Tactical battle tested things we can do to get a quick win as well. Plug and play Sent from my iPhone

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Vesela Tanaskovic

Ok so I guess you never read this, but I have to write and say THANK YOU! THANK YOU CODIE for creating this newsletter, thank you for putting so much thought into it and providing so much value! I love reading it, although I am a desert greening scientist its been my role model for the way I communicate with my community.

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Kyle Roberts

I enjoyed reading this newsletter. Informative and actionable advice and insights. Thanks!

Dan Katsikis

2 things stick out for me with this email. 1. Incredible insights and value you share about your coaching experience. You gave us a sneak peek thank you. 2. Appreciate the so not boring section!

Dave Lopez

Crushed it! Thanks.

Romain Cht

Great newsletter! Bravo!

Tyson Reed

thank you so much, I need this information and I appreciated you Codie

Zenia Wood

This email was a goodie.Short, sharp, to the point and engaging - thank you.

Bec James

Best newsletter so far! Thank you!

Jonathan Weinberger

Wow. Solid email, Codie.Thanks.Jonathan Weinberger

Wangari Mwaniki

There's so much value in this newsletter. So even though I'm not yet able to join one of your programs, there are so many gems to action that I've set time aside this week to make a plan to implement the learnings. Thank you.

Avigayil Helprin

Excellent Newsletter as always with loads of great information! Thank you, Gayil

Mark Adams


Stefan du Toit

Hello Codie,Great newsletter, keep up the great work.Sincerely,Stefan du Tout

Sean Mahoney

Outstanding. I pattern my chiropractic practice email newsletter blasts on your fantastic emails.

Shawn P. Murphy

CRUSHED IT! Awesome value. I feel like I stole knowledge from some of the best in the world at what they focus on doing. I love love love you Codie! You are changing the world, keep it up! Never ever ever ever give up! "Truth is independent of one's understanding or beliefs, it stands alone & beckons all to find her!" I have curated experts from all over the world that I steal knowledge from happily & well over a dozen income streams inside my Holdco waiting to scale. Time is of the essence, I feel an urgency I've never felt before. Time is King!

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Rabih El-Khoury

This edition was gold, not for the content alone but because you care: you went the extra mile to get Jordan's green light share snippets of his program. Thank you for that.

Maggie Sleeper

Great newsletter! I love that you focus on valuable content over hitting a certain cadence with sending them. The boomer wealth transfer article was

Whitni Woodard

First time responding to ANY newsletter cta like this, but tremendous value here! Focus and time management are my challenges and you gave so many nuggets here to help lasso me in. I will be sharing with friends. Much thanks!

Martin Schuler

awesome keep it up! newsletter...bookmarking all of them :D keep it up! best regards Martin Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android Mobiltelefon mit GMX Mail gesendet.

Jens König

You crushed it this time!!

Howard Tenn

That's a great deal. I sent far more than that. Congratulations.

Kevin Dwyer

Great newsletter. Ironically, i just finished reading who not how and now you mention it in your email. I've been a little stuck lately so I think the message is to start adding the right WHOS in my life thanks Kevin

Tyler Denk

Nice new template!!!

Crystal Kryder

Excellent newsletter and great perspective! I'm interested what #9 looks like for you as owner of so many businesses.Thank you for sharing great content!


Thank you for the info. Your awesome! Sent from my iPhone

M Ali

Awesome email! Tbh first one I've actually read, I think. The subject really caught me and the email was full of value.Main takeaway? Pay to learn from people's experience to accelerate your growth.Loved it, thank you!

Katie Skelton

I'm an email marketing strategist who very VERY rarely reads to the end of a newsletter but I read to the end of every single one of yours and usually forward to a few people too.

Mike Liguori

Codie fantastic newsletter and loved seeing you invest in your development with someone who has a fantastic track record.I've connected with you a couple times on Threads and love the depth of the newsletter. Reminds me of the sacred power of depth, not width when it comes to content.

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montel lee

Definitely crushed the last email keep it up. Gave me a lot to think about.

Scott McFarlane

Love the news letters, you guys are crushing it, keep em coming!!

Vickie McMullen

I got a lot of value from this email. The biggest takeaway for me was making the goal/anti-goal list. I am currently a government employee growing a business on the side. I have to make sure my goal of growing a business takes precedence over growing my career. I don't want this career, so I should use my energy in areas I want to grow. The "someday, maybe list" is also useful to me. I come up with idea after idea. This takes me off track. If I don't stay focused on one thing at a time I won't ever have the finances to leave my current job. And I'll never have 120k to spend on my own coach.

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Carson Parent

Great job, Codie! This was a seriously dope email (and that's coming from a career copywriter). Thank you for packing the value in!

danny miller

Nice job this week and every week. Looking forward to next week already.Thank you so much for sharing.

Ezra Aliyas

Fantastic newsletter as always Codie! I hope to build my income and nest egg up to eventually be a part of the UA train for real!

Shahin Aziz

I love these emails. I have been practicing some of these and i am expecting good results soon... but its all in small steps at a time.

Imtiaz Mahtab

Loved it. Overall, appreciate you aspirational writing style And the richness of content. Just didn't like the quote you used in number 5; do not sit well with many age GROUP and culture! Look forward to joining your courses.

Audrey Lee

Thank you for your email. It added value to my day :)

Patrick Daley

Thank you, Codie- great overview and synopsis! Patrick R. Daley

Hamza Bakker

Thank you for sharing these valuable money lessons with us. Your insights and advice are greatly appreciated. I will definitely take these lessons to heart and apply them to my own financial journey.

Johnson Jo

Hey Codie, good to read this email from you. I love it's content.

Akinlami Precious

You crushed it once again

Muhammad Imad

I am really grateful for having your thoughts in my email. I have been reading your newsletter for a while. And it is awesome.I do not know if you write it yourself or someone else, I am a technical content writer myself, Your Content and talking style, both are engaging and to the point. I read to get insights on different talking styles and Information-stuffing patterns, let me tell you, I forgot to notice my goal and started reading like I needed it.

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Christopher Moore

Keep up the GREAT content. Your newsletter is one of the few that gets saved in my email and one of even fewer that gets read.

Justin Mortier

Thanks for the shared bullet points from your personal list. Great ideas for us to put into action. Angela Duckworth's book about Grit is fantastic- 80% grit sounds about right! I want to be remembered as a man who did good things... not remembered as a man who had good ideas.

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Orobosa Idehen

Good day Codie, I just wanna say a very big thank you for all your financial advice and wisdom. You have no idea the lives you are helping.

Amber Massey

this was a good one. And the Storm Bags! whoooooooaaaa. What an idea. Brilliant. OH, and your husbands quote was the icing on the cake.

Lyndsey Akers

Always appreciate your newsletters, Codie! So helpful and insightful.

Michael Avon

Thank you for this one. Hit me at the right time and in the right place this morning. Have a great day and thank you for the unexpected advice.

Kala Philo

Love your newsletter, thank you! Keep up the good and inspiring work.

Adam Mumma

Great stuff every time! I'm trying to find my niche in the Hustle economy and this newsletter is one of very few with really insightful information. Keep it up!

Susan Donoho

Super awesome newsletter!! Everyone is so in love with pumpkins and mums where I live, with cozy daydreams of fall that your humor about "damn" pumpkins was funny and contrarian truly.Thanks Cody!!I'm going to be reviewing the business models for my idea. I'm excited!!

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MG McCullough

Such a good email that made me chuckle

Dave Agnew

As a former process improvement meeting facilitator for 5 years at a large aerospace company - I've seen many hundreds of wasted hours in meetings. Effective meetings were awesome because the teams building airplanes were actually taking control of "their" build.But the wasted meetings were brutal. No one wanted to be there, and nothing got accomplished. Its always fun to show that calculator during a meeting because the numbers add up quick!

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I loved the breakdown of the Compas format for meetings. As an executive who facilitates meetings, I am always looking for better ways to keep them pointed and a productive use of everyone's time. Thos format is spot on! Thank you.

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scott markovich

The title of this works. You have my attention. I'm going to read this today.

Talar Malakian

Where can I find a copywriter like the one writing this newsletter? If it's actually you Codie, holy freaking smokes.This newsletter on mediocrity and boredom was

Geet Aneja

I totes agree that boring is a super power these days.Everyone is busy engaging themselves in something that appears sexy on the outside or trying to be sexy themselves.For me personally as well, I have made my most money doing the boring stuff - writing copy for brands, running ads, creating social media content that doesn't care too much about the aesthetics but the value et al There is actually a super interesting Reddit thread that I came across years ago on how boring businesses mint money like anything.One of the most popular ones was selling door knobs - because they cost barely anything to source from China and sell like hot cakes in India at really steep prices to people who are building new housing complexes. And that idea still works because I am running it as a side project myself.Anyway, I am a regular reader of your newsletter, and I like your style of writing.

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Oscar Rivera

Loved this newsletter! Always inspiring. Finding it hard to buy a boring business when the Landowners of a strip mall require that you be an experienced business owner to acquire any business in their mall.


Found this newsletter really insightful.I am a pretty good commercial finance guy and have been headhunted into a number of exciting roles over the last few years! Now I wish I had been interested in boring.This made me think your thinking applies as much to choosing an employer as it does a business to buy.Being bright I have been drawn in by the challenge to grow businesses which other people are struggling to scale successfully. I have not been put off by any of these because I can see how simple they should be, beneath the sexiness etc.

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Bryan Croft

Love it... and I own a 70 year old boring, growing rubber stamp company ... talk about boring! $18m in sales and 100+ employees... yep boring!

Sosi Avila

First of all I love your freaking content and can't wait to join your masterclass! Coming soon!!

Ena Knowhow

You are great no doubt about it, and I envy your lack of fear in projects like these! Keep it going!

Trinidad Escobedo

My name is Jose Trinidad,I don't know if you're going to open and read my message. But I'll take my chances! First of all I'm your #1 fan and I'm in love of you. I love your personality and your content. I want to start to follow your steps. But, I'm still tight up to my current job. I'm working on investing in real state and I have been investing in startups, stocks and crypto. However, I want to start investing on acquiring small businesses. But, don't know how exactly. But, I'll continue to follow your material online.Te mando un fuerte abrazo y te admiro mucho! (Soy Mexicano imigre a US alos 18 anos de edad y estoy viviendo el sueño americano.) Gracias por todo lo que tú haces y por haberte encontrado!

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Adela G Dover

I just wanted to tell you I love your emails...and all the content you put on IG / Linkedin! I admire everything you accomplished so far. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!

R Mitchell

I am actually going to share this email with my management. I am going to take the risk that they may see it in a negative way.I constantly get complaints about the lack of accountability at work from my co-workers,, or I hear statements such as 'This is above my pay grade'.I want to scream every time I hear someone say it. Why is everyone so helpless these days? Most people I work with are miserable, and think that they are not powerful enough to change anything.

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Castenzio Venegas

1) I love your writing voice! It's engaging and I learn key leadership principles that transcend any sector. Thank you! 2) As you noted below, I'm requesting for your full template for company meetings. I would love to see how I can use an iteration of it as well (hate that I'm asking something but not giving anything in return! I'm open to adding any value at all though!).Either way, thank YOU! And, I'm working to acquire a small business soon!

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Joe Bird

1. Happy Birthday! 2. I would love a PDF of your meeting structure. 3. Your contrarian thinking newsletter is a gem. No BS. It helps set my tone for the following week. Thank You, Coach Joe

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Bar Down Investment

Would love a copy of your team meeting agenda, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Chaim Kernkraut

I love the points mentioned here. I wait for your newsletter weekly. Can you please share the full template for your meeting agenda.

Ralph Barsi

Another insightful, inspirational newsletter, Codie. Writing to request the full template you use for meetings. Thank you for the offer.

Happy Birthday, Codie! Have wonders and joy in your life every day, and be wise and settle enough to recognise and appreciate them. All the best, amazing girl! As mentioned in your newsletter, I am kindly asking for your template of company meeting agenda. Thank you and congrats on your birthday and all your great work! Thank you for sharing your life and experiences with us!

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Sonita Reese

Happy Birthday/ Feliz Cumpleaños Codie! I'm really glad you were born. You're a gamechanger. And I look forward to being part of that change with the expansion of Main Street.

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David Halloran

This was really good, valuable work. Well done. And happy birthday, you're in the prime of your life. You're old enough to be experienced and wise, and young enough to still bounce back heal when you fuck up.

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John Linford

LONE WOLF. Continual inspiration from this newsletter, by far one of my most valuable that I'm subscribed to.


I watched you on Diary of a CEO and you were totally awesome! I've seen nearly all of them, and you were my favourite so far. The best thing about it, is that it wasn't all 'me, me, me'.. you provided valuable, actionable advice to people wanting to start out. I'm actually already a business owner, but it provided me with some really great ideas, and a real sense that anything is possible!!! So I want to thank you for all of the positive energy, and the 'go for it!' attitude. You're awesome, and I am going to start watching your YouTube videos.. can't wait!! All the best, and keep smashing your goals

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Michael Berghuis

Love this content, this style is what I want to do and what is on the edge of the realm of possibility for someone like me, which is exactly where content like yours thrives.

Brett Lemox

Subscribed to your newsletter today Codie.And this issue jacked me up so much I want to run throw a f***ing wall.I have a couple startups I'm building and my motto to my myself has always been to "leave a legacy".So, thank you. This hit me at exactly the right time.Not that I needed the extra mo, but damn.Now, back to building my f***ing empire.

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Nick Paradise

Holy shit I'm glad I heard you on Andy's podcast. There's something very special and different about you. One day you and I are going to talk but first I have a few things to work on, namely my book launch that is just the beginning of the new life I'm living thanks to Andy and 75Hard.

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Aaron Gaffney

Why your emails so full of GOLD!?!?! Isn't there a law about sending live gold through digital services? lolz

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